About Me


I am a Ph.D. student in linguistics at the University of Oregon. I am focusing on documentation of Papuan languages. I plan to write a reference grammar of Horokoi (previously known as Wasembo, ISO 639:gsp). I have made a Facebook page and YouTube channel for this project.

I attended the University of Chicago for undergrad, where I received B.A. degrees in linguistics and economics. I researched Georgian verbs for my linguistics honors thesis.

After undergrad, I worked in derivatives trading, where I learned various quantitative and computational skills. Since leaving finance, I have been pursuing my passion of linguistics as a career. In addition to my Ph.D. work on Papuan languages, I have worked with The Language Conservancy on creating a dictionary for Acoma Keres, a language native to New Mexico.

In my free time, I enjoy learning/practicing languages, conlanging, programming (although, as may be apparent, not CSS so much), playing and composing music, travelling, camping, and generally learning as much as I can about various fascinating things in this world. Some things I am currently working on are improving my Turkish, learning to manage a web server and code Flask applications (some of which can be found on the homepage), playing go (current OGS rank ≅ 8 kyu), and creating simulations for my personal worldbuilding project. I'm always looking for more people to talk to about these interests!